


Animal Disease

Avian disease PCR detection products

Note: The following PCR kits default to qualitative products.
Cat. No. Product name Specs.
FQN001 Newcastle disease virus (NDV) PCR kit 10T
FQN002 Avian influenza virus H5(H5) PCR kit 10T
FQN003 Avian influenza virus H7N9(H7N9) duplex PCR kit 10T
FQN004 Avian influenza virus H7(H7) PCR kit 48T
FQN005 Avian influenza virus N9(N9) PCR kit 48T
FQN007 Avian J subtype leukemia(ALV-J) PCR kit 48T
FQN009 Salmonella pullorum (SPP.P) PCR kit 48T
FQN010 Salmonella enteritidis (SPP.E) PCR kit 48T
FQN012 Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG)  PCR kit 48T
FQN013 Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) PCR kit 48T
EAD001N DNA extraction kit (Column method -Gel matching) Especially designed Gel PCR test kits by Yisen Biotech for DNA extraction of microbial samples animal tissue samples. 48T
EAR002N RNA extraction kit (Column method -Gel matching) Especially designed Gel PCR test kits by Yisen Biotech for RNA extraction of blood, faeces, swab and animal tissue samples . 48T


Avian disease Real-Time PCR detection products

Cat. No. Product name Specs.
FQQ001 Avian influenza virus (AIV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
96 T
FQQ017 Avian influenza virus AIV-H1 sub-type Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
FQQ018 Avian influenza virus AIV-H3 sub-type Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
FQQ002 Avian influenza virus H5 subtype (AIV-H5) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
96 T
FQQ003 Avian influenza virus N1 subtype (AIV-N1) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
96 T
FQQ004 Avian influenza virus H7 subtype (AIV-H7) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
96 T
FQQ005 Avian influenza virus H7N9(AIV-H7N9) duplex Real-Time RT-PCR kit 24 T
40 T
FQQ006 Avian influenza virus H9 subtype (AIV-H9) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
96 T
FQQ015 Avian influenza virus N9(AIV-N9) subtype Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FQQ007 Newcastle disease virus (NDV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
96 T
FQQ008 Virulent Newcastle disease virus(vNDV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
96 T
FQQ014 Avian influenza virus and Newcastle disease virus (AIV-NDV) two-in-one Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
FQQ016 Avian influenza virus(AIV)/ New castle disease virus(NDV)l duplex Real-Time RT-PCR kit 40 T
FQQ009 Avian infectious bursal disease virus(IBDV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
96 T
FQQ010 Avian infectious bronchitis virus(AIBV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FQQ011 Marek's disease virus(MDV) fluorscence PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FQQ012 Avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J ) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FQQ013 Avian Reticuloendotheliosis virus(REV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FQQ019 Salmonella pullorum (SPP.P) Real-Time PCR kit 48 T
FQQ020 Salmonella enteritidis (SPP.E) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FQQ023 Avian adenovirus (AADV) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FQQ028 Chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FQQ022 Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) Real-Time  PCR kit 48
FQQ024 Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FQQ029  Avian reovirus(AR)Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FQQ031 Avian metapneumovirus(AMPV)Real-Time RT-PCR kit  
FQQ030 Mycoplasma gallisepticum/ Avian reovirus genus/Mycoplasma synoviae (MG、AR、MS) three-in-one Real-Time PCR kits 48T
EAD001Q DNA extraction kit (Column method -Real-Time matching ) Especially designed for Real-Time PCR kits by Yisen Biotech for DNA extraction of microbial samples and animal tissue samples. 48T
EAR002Q RNA extraction kits (Column method -Real-Time matching ) Especially designed for Real-Time PCR kits for RNA extraction of blood, faeces, swab and animal tissue samples. 48T


Porcine disease PCR detection products

Porcine disease PCR detection products

Note: below products are qualitative products.
Cat No. Product Name Specs.
FZN001 Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) RT-PCR kit 10T
FZN002 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) RT-PCR kit 10T
FZN004 Highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(HP-PRRSV) RT-PCR kit 48T
FZN005 Highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus duplex (HP-P+PRRSV) duplex RT-PCR kit 48T
FZN006 Porcine circovirus type 2(PCV-2)PCR kit 48T
FZN007 Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus(PEDV)RT-PCR kit 48T
FZN009 Procine transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus (TGEV) RT-PCR kit 48T
FZN010 Procine pseudorabies virus (PRV ) PCR kit 48T
FZN011 Wild Strains of porcine pseudorabies virus (wPRV ) PCR kit 48T
FZN012 Porcine actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) PCR kit 48T
FZN003 Porcine foot and mouth disease virus(FMDV) RT-PCR kit 10T
FZN014 Porcine foot and mouth disease virus- type O (FMDV-O) RT-PCR kit 48T
FZN015 Porcine foot and mouth disease virus- type A (FMD-A) RT-PCR kit 48T
FZN016 Porcine foot and mouth disease virus- type O/A (FMDV-O/A) duplex RT-PCR kit 48T
EAD001N DNA extraction kit (Column method -Gel matching) Especially designed Gel PCR test kits by Yisen Biotech for DNA extraction of microbial samples animal tissue samples. 48T
EAR002N RNA extraction kit (Column method -Gel matching) Especially designed Gel PCR test kits by Yisen Biotech for RNA extraction of blood, faeces, swab and animal tissue samples . 48T


Porcine disease Real-Time PCR detection products

Note: below products are qualitative.
Cat. No. Product name Specs.
FZQ001 Classical swine fever virus(CSFV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ002 Wild Strains of classical swine fever virus(wCSFV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ030 Hog cholera lapinised virus vaccine(HCLV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FZQ031 Hog cholera lapinised virus vaccine /Field hearg svrain of virulent(HCLV/ wCSFV) duplex Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FZQ010 Africa swine fever virus (ASFV )Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ004 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ005 Highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(HP-PRRSV)  Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ029 Highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus two-in-one (hp-PRRSV/PRRSV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FZQ006 Swine pseudorabies (gE)( PRV-gE ) Real-Time PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ028 Porcine pseudorabies virus(PRV) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FZQ007 Porcine circovirus type 2(PCV-2) Real-Time PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ011 Porcine parvovirus(PPV) Real-Time PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ012 Porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus(TGEV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ013 Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus(PEDV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ037 Porcine Deltacoronavirus(PDCoV) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FZQ017 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae(APP) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FZQ019 Swine streptococcosis (SS)Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FZQ027 Toxoplasm(TOX) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FZQ003 Porcine foot and mouth disease virus(FMDV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48 T
96 T
FZQ032 Porcine foot and mouth disease virus- type A (FMDV-A) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FZQ033 Porcine foot and mouth disease virus- type O (FMDV-O) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FZQ034 Porcine foot and mouth disease virus- type I(FMDV-I) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FZQ043 Porcine foot and mouth disease virus- type A/O (FMDV- A/O) duplex Real-Time RT-PCR kits 48T
FZQ039 Porcine foot and mouth disease virus- type A/I/O (FMDV- A/I/O) triplex Real-Time RT-PCR kits 48T
EAD001Q DNA extraction kit (Column method -Real-Time matching ) Especially designed for Real-Time PCR kits by Yisen Biotech for DNA extraction of microbial samples and animal tissue samples. 48T
EAR002Q RNA extraction kits (Column method -Real-Time matching ) Especially designed for Real-Time PCR kits for RNA extraction of blood, faeces, swab and animal tissue samples. 48T


Bovine and Ovine disease PCR detection products

Bovine and Ovine disease PCR detection products

Note: below are all qualitative products
Cat No. Product Name Specs.
FNN001 Brucella species (BS)RT- PCR kit 48T
FNN002 Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) RT-PCR kit 48T
EAD001N DNA extraction kit (Column method -Gel matching) Especially designed Gel PCR test kits by Yisen Biotech for DNA extraction of microbial samples animal tissue samples.  


Bovine and Ovine disease Real-Time PCR dection products

Note: below are qualitative products
Cat No. Product Name Specs.
FNQ001 Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacillus (TB) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FNQ003 Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV)  Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FNQ004 Brucella (BS ) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FNQ005 Anthrax bacillus (BA ) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FNQ006 Foot and mouth disease virus(FMDV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FNQ007 Foot and mouth disease virus-type A(FMDV-A) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FNQ008 Foot and mouth disease virus-type O(FMDV-O) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FNQ009 Foot and mouth disease virus-type I (FMDV-I) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FNQ016 Foot and mouth disease virus-type O/A (FMDV- O/A) duplex PCR kit 48T
FNQ017 Foot and mouth disease virus-type O/A/I (FMDV- O/A/I) triplex PCR kit 48T
FNQ011 Peste des Petits Ruminants virus(PPRV) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
EAD001Q DNA extraction kit (Column method -Real-Time matching ) Especially designed for Real-Time PCR kits by Yisen Biotech for DNA extraction of microbial samples and animal tissue samples. 48T
EAR002Q RNA extraction kits (Column method -Real-Time matching ) Especially designed for Real-Time PCR kits for RNA extraction of blood, faeces, swab  and animal tissue samples. 48T


Aquatic animal Real-Time PCR detection products

Note: below are qualitative products
Cat. No. Product name Specs.
FSQ001 Spring viremia of carp virus (SCV) Real-Time RT-PCR kits 48T
FSQ004 White spot Syndrome Virus  ( WSSV ) Real-Time PCR kits 48T
EAD001Q DNA extraction kit (Column method -Real-Time matching) Especially designed for Real-Time PCR kits by Yisen Biotech for DNA extraction of microbial samples and animal tissue samples. 48T
EAR002Q RNA extraction kits (Column method -Real-Time matching ) Especially designed for Real-Time PCR kits for RNA extraction of blood, faeces, swab and animal tissue samples. 48T


Canine Real-Time PCR product

Note: below are qualitative products
Cat. No. Product name Specs.
FGQ001 Canine distemper ( CDV ) Real-Time RT-PCR kit 48T
FGQ002 anine parvovirus ( CPV) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
FZQ025 Rabies virus(RV) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
EAD001Q >DNA extraction kit (Column method -Real-Time matching ) Especially designed for Real-Time PCR kits by Yisen Biotech for DNA extraction of microbial samples and animal tissue samples. 48T
EAR002Q RNA extraction kits (Column method -Real-Time matching ) Especially designed for Real-Time PCR kits for RNA extraction of blood, faeces, swab  and animal tissue samples. 48T


Other related products

DNA and RNA extraction products

Cat. No. Product name purpose Specs.
EAD001 DNA Extraction kit(Column chromatography method) For DNA extraction of microbial samples and animal tissue samples. 50T
EAD003  DNA Extraction For fast extraction of nucleic acid DNA before PCR experiment 2ml
EAR002 RNA Extraction kit(Column chromatography method) For RNA extraction of blood, faeces, swab  and animal tissue samples. 50 T
EAR003 RNA Lysis Buffer For fast extraction of nucleic acid RNA before the PCR experiment. 100ml
EAR005 Virus DNA/RNA Extraction kit(column method) For extraction of VirusDNA/RNA 50


Sampling consumables products

Sample extraction kit

Cat. No. Product Name Specs.
BXA001 4ml Sample delivery tube
(4ml The universal neutralization liquid,1 Swabs 9cm)
(Used for sampling at microorganisms、stuff surface and nature)
50 tubes/kit
BXA002 10ml Sample delivery tube
(10ml diluent、1 Plastic fiber swab)
(Used for sampling at microorganisms、stuff surface and nature)
50 tubes/kit
BXA003 4ml Sample collection tube
(4ml The universal neutralization liquid,1 Swabs)
(For collecting and transporting H1N1 virus or Enterovirus samples)
50 tubes/kit
BXA004 10ml Sample collection tube
(10ml The universal neutralization liquid,1 Swabs)
(Sampling objects disinfection)
50 tubes/kit


Sampling  homogeneous bags and sampling bags

Cat. No. Product Name Specs.
BXB001 Disposable sterile sample bag 100 /kit
BXB002 Microbial one-time homogeneous bag 100/kit


GMO Food detection products

GMO PCR detection products

Note: These products do not contain extraction reagent.Customers could purchase EAD005 (Plant genomic DNA extraction kit) (Column method) or select other kits.
Cat. No. Product Name Specs.
CTN001 Transgenic Plants CamV35S PCR kit 48 T
CTN002 Transgenic Plants NOS PCR kit 48T
EAD005 Plant genomic DNA extraction kit (Column method) (used to isolate and purify high quality plant genome from plants) 50T


GMO Real-Time PCR detection products

Note: These products do not contain extraction reagent. Customers could purchase EAD005 (plant genomic DNA extraction kit) (Column method) or select other kits.
Cat. No. Product Name Specs.
CTQ001 Transgenic Plants CamV35S Real-Time PCR kit 48T
CTQ002 Transgenic Plants NOS Real-Time PCR kit 48T
EAD005 Plant genomic DNA extraction kit (Column method) (used to isolate and purify high quality plant genome from plants) 50T


Animal derived ingredients detection products

Animal derived ingredients PCR detection products

Note: These products do not contain extraction reagent. Customers could purchase EAD001N-DNA extraction kit (Column method - Gel matching).
Cat. No. Product Name Specs.
DWN001 Bovine derived ingredients PCR kit 48T
DWN002 Ovine derived ingredients PCR kit 48T
DWN003 Duck derived ingredients PCR kit 48T
DWN004 Chicken derived ingredients PCR kit 48T
DWN005 Porcine derived ingredients PCR kit 48T
DWN006 Horse derived ingredients PCR kit 48T
EAD001N DNA extraction kit (Column method -Gel matching) Especially designed Gel PCR test kits by Yisen Biotech for DNA extractionof microbial samples animal tissue samples. 48T


Animal derived ingredients Real-Time PCR detection products (Qualitative)

Note: These products do not contain extraction reagent. Customers could purchase EAD001Q-DNA extraction kit (Column method- Real-Time matching).
Cat. No. Product Name Specs.
DWQ001 >Bovine derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ002 Ovine derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ003 Duck derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ004 Chicken derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ005 Porcine derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ006 Horse derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ011 Rabbit derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ012 Marten derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
EAD001Q DNA extraction kit (Column method -Real-Time matching )
Especially designed for Real-Time PCR test kit by Yisen Biotech for DNAextraction of microbial samples and animal tissue samples.


Animal derived ingredients Real-Time PCR detection products(Quantitative)

Note: These products do not contain extraction reagent. Customers could purchase  EAD001Q-DNA extraction kit (Column method - Real-Time matching).
Cat. No. Product Name Specs.
DWQ101 Bovine derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ102 Ovine derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ103 Duck derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ104 Chicken derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ105 Porcine derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ106 Horse derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ111 Rabbit derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
DWQ112 Marten derived ingredients Real-Time PCR kit 48T
EAD001Q DNA extraction kit (Column method -Real-Time matching )
Especially designed for Real-Time PCR test kits by Yisen Biotech for DNA extraction of microbial samples and animal tissue samples.


Foodborne pathogenic agents PCR detection products

Cat. No. Product name Specs.
AXQ002 Salmonella Real-Time PCR kit 48T
AXQ003 Shigella spp. Real-Time PCR kit 48T
AXQ004 Listeria monocytogenes Real-Time PCR kit 48T
AXQ005 Staphylococcus aureus Real-Time PCR kit 48T
AXQ006 Vibrio cholerae Real-Time PCR kit 48T
AXQ007 Vibrio parahaemolyticus Real-Time PCR kit 48T
AXQ008 O157:H7 Real-Time PCR kit 48T
AXQ026 Vibrio vulnificus (VV) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
AXQ027 Vibrio alginolyticus(VA) Real-Time PCR kit 48T
EAD001Q DNA extraction kit (Column method -Real-Time matching )
Especially designed for Real-Time PCR test kits by Yisen Biotech for DNAextraction of microbial samples and animal tissue samples.


Food safety and other related products

DNA extraction products

Cat. No. Product name Test items Specs.
EAD001 DNA extraction kit (Column method) Used for DNA extraction of Microbial and animal tissue samples 50
EAD003 DNA Extraction Buffer Used for DNA the extraction of the PCR pre-test 2ml


Sample collection kits

Cat. No. Product Name Specs.
BXA001 4ml Sample delivery tube
(4ml The universal neutralization liquid,1 Swabs 9cm)
(Used for sampling at microorganisms、stuff surface and nature)
50 tubes/kit
BXA002 10ml Sample delivery tube
(10ml diluent、1 Plastic fiber swab)
(Used for sampling at microorganisms、stuff surface and nature)
50 tubes/kit
BXA003 4ml Sample collection tube
(4ml The universal neutralization liquid,1 Swabs)
(For collecting and transporting H1N1 virus or Enterovirus samples)
50 tubes/kit
BXA004 10ml Sample collection tube
(10ml The universal neutralization liquid,1 Swabs)
(Sampling objects disinfection)
50 tubes/kit


6.3 Biotechnology microbial homogeneous bag and sample bag

Cat. No. Product Name Specs.
BXB001 Disposable sterile sample bag 100 /kit
BXB002 Microbial one-time homogeneous bag 100/kit